The 5 W's of Killer Kurves Shapewear

The 5 W's of Killer Kurves Shapewear

As with any consumer you're probably curious about who we are and what we have to offer you. So today we're going to go through the 5 W's of Killer Kurves Shapewear. The five w's consist of 1.WHO we are. 2.WHAT we have to offer you. 3.WHERE we are 4. WHEN we established ourselves and 5. WHY we do what we do. So lets get to it!!

WHO is Killer Kurves Shapewear?

We are rapidly growing lifestyle brand dedicated to empowering women by helping them feel more confident while achieving their aesthetic and fitness goals.

WHAT does Killer Kurves Shapewear have to offer?

We provide quality and affordable shapewear to accommodate women of all shapes and sizes while offering a wide variety of different shapewear items that are sure to meet the needs of every consumer.

WHERE is Killer Kurves Shapewear located?

We are located in the United States of America to be more specific The Big Apple, New York! Our warehouse and phone centers are located in the small and friendly town of Pearl River. Our exact address is:

Killer Kurves Shapewear

1 Old Middletown Rd.

Suite 1A

Pearl River, NY 10965


WHEN was Killer Kurves Shapewear Established?

Killer Kurves Shapewear was established in January of 2015 and our website went live in April of 2015. With our dedicated team members,,quality products and dedication to making our consumer's shopping experience the best we've managed to build a loyal customer base of over 100,000 people in a little over a year.

WHY do we do what we do?

Our goal here at Killer Kurves Shapewear is to empower all women and to help them feel more confident about themselves. We know confidence starts within and we encourage all women to love themselves while working on becoming the best version of themselves!




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